姓 名:李修真
E - mail:lixiuzhenvip@126.com
J. Li, X. Li, N. Wang, Y. Hu, R. Feng, Experimental research on indoor thermal environment of new rural residence with active solar water heating system and external wall insulation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 95 (2016) 35-41.
X. Li, D. Zhu, J. Sun, X. Mo, Y. Yin, Air side heat transfer and pressure drop of H type fin and tube bundles with in line layouts, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 96 (2018) 146-153.
X. Li, D. Zhu, Y. Yin, S. Liu, X. Mo, Experimental study on heat transfer and pressure drop of twisted oval tube bundle in cross flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 99 (2018) 251-258.
X. Li, D. Zhu, Y. Yin, A. Tu, S. Liu, Parametric study on heat transfer and pressure drop of twisted oval tube bundle with in line layout, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 135 (2019) 860-872.
X. Li, D. Zhu, J. Sun, X. Mo, S. Liu, Heat transfer and pressure drop for twisted oval tube bundles with staggered layout in crossflow of air, Applied thermal engineering, 148 (2019) 1092-1098.
X. Li, L. Wang, R. Feng, Z. Wang, S. Liu, D. Zhu, Study on shell side heat transport enhancement of double tube heat exchangers by twisted oval tubes, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 124 (2021) 105273.
X. Li, L. Wang, R. Feng, Z. Wang, D. Zhu, Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of Twisted Elliptical Tube Bundle in Staggered Arrangement, Journal of Thermal Science, 30 (2021) 1925-1937.
X. Li, S. Liu, S. Tang, X. Mo, L. Wang, D. Zhu, Analysis of heat transfer characteristics and entransy evaluation of high viscosity fluid in a novel twisted tube, Applied Thermal Engineering, 210 (2022) 118288.
S. Liu, A. Tu, X. Mo, Y. Yin, D. Zhu, X. Li, Experimental study and comparative performance analysis on thermal-hydraulic characteristic of a novel longitudinal flow oil cooler, Applied Thermal Engineering, 199 (2021) 117567.
X. Mo, S.-J. Liu, X.-Z. Li, A.-M. Tu, D.-S. Zhu, Study on Comprehensive Performance of Three-Dimensional Tube Applied to Gas–Solid Two-Phase Flow Environment, Energies, 14(17) (2021) 5274.
M. Yang, X. Li, L. Wang, J. Yuan, Z. Wang, K. Liang, Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Cooling/Power Cogeneration Ejector Refrigeration System, Journal of Thermal Science, (2020) 1-15.
李修真, 徐晴, 窦润好, 石靖峰, 盛凯, 任兆亭. 三维变形管管内积灰特性数值模拟研究[J]. 新能源进展, 2021, 9(02): 95-101.
李修真, 谈莹莹, 袁俊飞, 王占伟, 王林.扭曲椭圆管强化传热研究进展及应用[J/OL].过程工程学报:1-12[2021-12-29].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.4541.TQ.20210825.1419.004.html.
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