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翟胜田,工学博士,讲师,中共党员,中国硅酸盐学会会员,2023年博士毕业于东南大学致力于混凝土材料及结构静动态力学性能、微结构演变、耐久性及寿命预测、固体废弃物资源化利用、低碳节能绿色建材开发等研究。主持国家自然科学青年基金1项(2023年),参与国家973计划、重点研发、自然科学基金等国家级项目5项;硕博期间荣获国家奖学金校友奖学金优秀共产党员” “先进个人等;在相关领域发表学术论文20余篇,申请发明专利10余项,担任Construction and Building MaterialsJournal of Materials Research and Technology、硅酸盐通报、beat365唯一官网学报等期刊审稿人。




1. Shengtian Zhai, Xudong Zhou, Yunsheng Zhang*, Bo Pang, Guojian Liu, Lihua Zhang, Lin Yang, Zhiyong Liu, Laibao Liu*. Effect of multifunctional modification of waste rubber powder on the workability and mechanical behavior of cement-based materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 363: 129880.

2. Shengtian Zhai, Guojian Liu, Bo Pang, Cheng Liu, Zhuoyang Zhang, Lihua Zhang, Laibao Liu, Yonggan Yang, Zhiyong Liu, Yunsheng Zhang*. Investigation on the influence of modified waste rubber powder on the abrasion resistance of concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 357: 129409.

3. Shengtian Zhai, Cheng Liu, Guojian Liu, Pang Bo, Lihua Zhang, Zhiyong Liu, Laibao Liu, Yunsheng Zhang*. Effect of modified rubber powder on the mechanical properties of cement-based materials. 2022, 19: 4141-4153.

4. Shengtian Zhai, Bo Pang, Guojian Liu, Zhang Yu, Xu Kaili, She Wei, Yunsheng Zhang*. Investigation on preparation and multifunctionality of reduced graphene oxide cement mortar. 2021, 275: 122119.

5. Wang, Xingang*, Shengtian Zhai, Xie, Tao. Mechanism behind the improvement of coupling agent in interface bonding performance between organic transparent resin and inorganic cement matrix. 2017, 143: 138-146.

6. Wang, Xingang*, Shengtian Zhai, Wang Kai, Xie, Tao Modification of bonding properties and microstructure of resin-cement interface by coupling agents.2018, 25: 27-37..

7. Shengtian Zhai, Yunsheng Zhang*, Laibao Liu*. Investigation on Recycling Application of Waste Rubber Tyres in Concrete. Springer Engineering. The 17th East Asian-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC). 2023, 302: 1539-1552.

8. 朱贤宇,杨生虎翟胜田张云升洞渣湿喷混凝土的制备与性能研究. 硅酸盐通报2020, 39 (05): 3622-3627.

9. 王信刚,陈皓翟胜田等,光纤导光混凝土的透光性能与抗侵蚀性能. 硅酸盐通报. 2016, 35 (11): 1444-1450.

8. 张云升翟胜田石加顺等,一种高弹—抗裂洞渣喷射混凝土材料及其制备方法,申请号CN110357520A.

9. 王信刚翟胜田夏龙,有机-无机复合材料界面收缩测试装置及方法,申请号:CN107655925A.

10. 王信刚,扶兴国翟胜田陈皓,具有自清洁功能的透光水泥板及其制备方法,授权号:CN107687226B.

11. 王信刚,陈皓,翟胜田,有机-无机复合材料酸雨#紫外线腐蚀性测试装置,授权号:CN206930568U.

地址:中国·洛阳 开元大道263号



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